Website Guidelines for Student Projects

ENVR 401 Environmental Research

These are some guidelines for your final report webpage. Student Reports are to be made available on this McGill website ( While we do not want to stifle your creativity, there are some guidelines that need to be followed to ensure a consistent and professional look. These are outlined below, and are separated into two lists. Please contact me, Pete Barry, if you have any questions. I am at 398-4306 or

Content or Style Elements

Title Page (filename: index.html)

All reports need a title page that MUST include

Body of Report

Technical Elements

File names


Images and Graphics


Every page must contain a footnote-like "boilerplate" that tells readers who owns the site. Just copy this code into your page:

<hr noshade>
<p> <font size="-1">&copy; 2002 <a href="">McGill School of Environment</a><br>
<a href="">McGill University</a><br>
3534 University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2A7</font>

See the sample page for what it looks like.