The Client

L'Union des consommateurs (UC) is a new organization which was formed through the union of Fédération des Acef du Québec (FACEF) and Action Réseau Consommateur. The UC is interested in protecting consumers, as well as defending their rights and interests. They are particularly interested in giving those of low to moderate incomes a stronger public voice.

The interests of the organization can be divided into three main parts. The first is to identify the potential for improving energy efficiency in the residential sector of Québec. This includes the environmental, economic, and social advantages to being energy efficient. The second is to identify the barriers that are preventing improved energy efficiency among the various socio-economic classes. Finally, l'Union des consommateurs would like to identify the tools that will help to overcome these barriers.

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© 2002 McGill School of Environment
McGill University
3534 University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2A7