Biodiversity Managment Plan

Table of Contents


Executive Summary


Background Information

Research Question






Links Research Team
































1. Literature Review
A literature review was conducted in order to gain background information on the property, target species, habitats and areas of concern in conservation and management of protected areas. Management plan frameworks for protected areas were researched in order to find a biodiversity management framework that suited the context of the property. The chosen format (adaptive planning with a focus on species/habitat management) was altered to adhere to the requirements set by the NCC.
The data sources for the literature review included government documents, documents from the NCC pertaining specifically to the property, general documents from the NCC (including the Stewardship Manual), documents from international conservation groups, articles from scientific journals, books, and topographic and road maps.

2. Personal Communications
Informal communications between ourselves, the NCC, and the landowners were carried out in person, over the telephone and by e-mail. These communications allowed additional site-specific information to be obtained and evaluated with regards to the background information uncovered in the literature review.

3. Site Visits
Site visits were conducted in order to view the access areas and other areas of concern, the main habitats, assess the main human threats, disturbances and the work that would be needed in phase one of the management plan. Also, adjacent land uses were observed and The main access points were examined, photographed and defined and buildings on the property were also viewed during these visits. Location and size, where appropriate, of habitats, access points, and buildings were determined and diagrammed based upon maps and conversations with the landowners.

4. Vegetation Sampling/Habitat Description
To determine whether the property meets the requirements of the Sedge Wren, Grasshopper Sparrow, Short-Eared Owl and Eastern Loggerhead Shrike, a superficial survey of the pasture was conducted to determine size, vegetation composition, and vegetation structure. This was done using maps and information provided by the landowners, as well as a walkthrough of the pasture. A visual survey allowed for estimations of hawthorn tree density, approximate vegetation height, and general pasture composition. General pasture composition was determined through scientific knowledge of the students in regards to plant forms and species.
The tree species within the forest habitats and approximate age of the majority within each stand were described through personal communications with the landowners.

5. Determining the Status of a Species
The status of the flora species were determined using Les espèces menacées ou vulnérables du Québec because this source was endorsed by the NCC, through its use by Geoffrey Hull during his 1999 flora species inventory. For the fauna species, statuses were determined from reports by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC), the Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) Québec Region, and sitings on the property by the Province of Quebec Society for the Protection of Birds (PQSPB) and the landowners.
Each target fauna species was objectively ranked according to its status and the species’ requirements that need to be considered as priority were determined. The suitability of the property for the target fauna species was assessed by examining the amount of suitable habitat, the ecology and requirements of each species and the seriousness of the threats to each species present on the property. The ecology of each species included information about their reproduction, nesting information, known sensitivity to edge effects, and preferred habitat.
Target flora species were prioritized according to the seriousness of the threats to each present on the property.

© 2002 McGill Shool of Environment
McGill University
3534 University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2A7